George Jackson University
There is no more vital component of New Afrikan National Development, than the development of our math and science capacity. Our continuing struggle to forge strong and highly developed New Afrikan Communities has been, and will continue to be affected by applications and advances in math and science.
The impact of math and science on the progress (or retardation) of our communities’ development has both an objective and subjective component that must be explored to truly appreciate its importance to our success.
The gross disparities in math and science achievement between New Afrikans and those in other communities, whether by direct correlation, or mere causal association, tends to reflect the disparities in economic, educational and socio-political development at the heart of our national oppression.
This was not always the case. There was a time in human history when Afrikan Civilization was the well-spring of math and science from which all of humanity drank.
The system of global white supremacy, the entire global capitalist construct itself, came into being as a direct result of scientific innovation. It will be through scientific innovation that the seeds of our genuine freedom and ultimately that of the world will be sown.
With our current level of knowledge, humanity possesses the mathematical accumen, scientific knowhow and technological capacity to produce sufficient food, clean water and medicine to sustain the entire global population; to meet its energy, housing, telecommunications and educational needs sustainably. Yet we do not, and as a result, our communities suffer.
We have yet to realize the broad-based cooperation and economic worldview to establish such an equitarian reality because the subjective interests of world capitalism and global white supremacy have precluded it.
Because of the historic oppression and generational poverty of New Afrikans across the diaspora, and here in the U.S. in particular, this state of affairs impacts our communities disproportionately. Our continued failure to adequately develop our math and science to a level comparable to our oppressors only perpetuates this state of affairs.
Throughout New Afrikan Communities in the U.S. alone, thousands of tons of food are thrown away annually rather than that they are collected and distributed to the hungry. Millions of units of housing sit empty, and remain som rather than allow our homeless to enjoy teporary housing. Humanity possesses the scientific know-how to send spacecraft beyond the borders of our solar system (the Titan probe, etc.) and continues to receive radio telemetry from them.
Humanity knows how to create and contain anti-matter, the very stuff of creation itself (the Large Hadron Collider, etc.), yet we cannot seem to muster enough math & science to build the basic infrastructure in our communities to feed, clothe, house, heal and defend ourselves. In the face of the gross and growing disparities between the haves and the have-nots, between greed and giving, between waste and wanting, we must acknowledge that this system has mismanaged -woefully and criminally mismanaged the nature and structure of human civilization on our planet. We must recognize that they are in fact destroying it and have used Math & Science as the primary tools to do so.
Cultivating our Math & Science could imbue us with capacity to meet our basic needs, reverse our underdevelopment, realize our national liberation and path the way for a new, more equalitarian world for everyone.
We cannot continue to blame systems of oppression for the retardation of our communities’ development when the means to reverse it – the knowledge to forge our own infrastructure rooted in Math & Science – is readily available to us.
If we are serious about ending the national oppression of New Afrikan People (and all People), we must apply ourselves to mastering the processes which govern the modern world.
This means we must develop a basic, intermediary and advanced curriculum in four major areas, and how they can be adapted to serve our communities:
1) Foundational Math & Science
2) Computers, Technology & Electronics
3) Bio-Life Sciences
4) Structural Science and Innovation
We cannot hope to develop our communities or sustain them in good order, without harnassing the tools of Math & Science and applying them to the challenges which define our underdevelopment in new and imaginative ways.
Our approach to research and development, our employment of the very scientific method itself, must correspond to our communities’ basic needs and our long-term aims.
By developing our Math & Science capability we will be better equipped to feed, heal and house those in our communities, while developing new innovations to maximize the productive capacity and efficiency at providing goods and services for our people in the context of Collective Work and Responsibility (Ujima).
But doing so will be a process. The unfortunate truth is that many of our youth disdain Math & Science in favor of sports, music and dance – while many of our adults are busy with work.
Many of us write and create beautiful works of art, but few show a genuine enthusiasm for Math & Science. We can change that by placing the means to develop our own autonomous Math & Science Centers in our Communities.
The development of our New Afrikan Math & Science Centers (or NAMS Centers) is a process that will begin with instructor selection and recruitment. To carry this process out NAMS Center Activists will need to be recruited from the Community where the Center will be established. People who are trusted, articulate and influential, capable of articulating both the need for and vision of the NAMS Centers Initiative to their neighbors.
It will be the responsibility of these NAMS Center Activists to canvas local University and College campuses for those 3rd and 4th year New Afrikan students, graduate students or Professors who concur with the aims of the Initiative and who are willing to donate their time and expertise to serve as instructors in that Community’s NAMS Center.
These Nams Center Activists and Volunteer Instructors will serve as the backbone of the initiative.
The New Afrikan Math & Science Center Initiative curriculum will be divided into 4 major sub-centers within the institution, offering the following fields of study:
The Foundational Math & Science Department will focus on the basic knowledge which acts as the foundation for all real-world Math & Science applications. All fields of study designated Category 1 (CAT-1) will be offered under the Foundational Math & Science Department in an incremental curriculum, where knowledge builds upon aquired knowledge.
Fields of study in CAT-1 will include:
• Basic Mathematics
• Chemistry
• Engineering
• Trigonometry/Calculus
• Biology
• Algebra/Geometry
• Economics/Finance
• Earth sciences
• Physics
• Geology
The Computers, Technology end Electronics Department (or CTE Dept.) will focus on providing knowledge on the use of computers, computer hardware & software, computer-assisted technology, electronics and the real-world applications of these sciences to solving problems in the Community.
All fields of study designated Category 2 (CAT-2) will be offered in this Department in an incremental curriculum where knowledge builds upon acquired knowledge. Fields of study in CAT-2 will include:
• Electrical Engineering
• Energy Technologies & Solutions
• Telecommunications Tec
• Computer Engineering/ Coding
• Drone Technology
• Robotics
The Bio-Life Sciences Department will focus on providing knowledge in those sciences which sustain life, extend life, save life or improve life for our communities.
All fields of study designated Category 3 (CAT-3) will be offered under this Department in an incremental curriculum where knowledge builds upon acquired knowledge. Fields of study in CAT-3 will include:
• Bio-Medical Sciences
• Chemical Engineering
• Genetics/Cellular Biology
• Agricultural Sciences
• Pharmaceuticals
• Psychology/Psychiatry
The Structural Science & Innovation department will focus on knowledge which instructs us how to design, engineer, build, repair, fabricate and produce the things necessary for our communities to function and thrive.
All fields of study designated Category 4 (CAT-4) will be offered under this Department in an incremental curriculum where knowledge builds upon acquired knowledge. Fields of study in CAT-4 will include:
• Architecture/Carpentry
• Manufacturing/Production
• Metalurgy
• Recycling/Reuse Technologies
• Automotive Engineering
• Energy Systems & Alternatives
• Structural Engineering
• Fabrication Sciences
• Thermodynamics
• Aerodynamics & Aircraft
• Hydrolic Sciences
NAMS Instructors will be assigned to 1 or more Departments of the Center based on their knowledge, availible time and field(s) of expertise.
To establish the initial physical facilities, or Community Class Sites (CCS), of the New Afrikan Math & Science Centers, NAMS Activists will canvas the community, explaining the need & intent of the initiative, seeking serious and supportive Community members and institutions willing to host a CCS.
CCS Hosts willing to offer the use of space (or unused properties) in homes, Churches, apartments, Mosques, basements, Temples, garages, Community Centers or anywhere working space can be made availible to the Center, will make up the core of the NAMS Community Council, in conjunction with NAMS Coordinators, Activists and Instructors.
Once all space is identified, NAMS Coordinators, Activists, Instructors and Property Owners will convene the Council and determine which spaces will house which Departments, and at what time(s) those CCS’s will be availible for Center use. This will ensure Participants and Community members are aware of the specific CCS locations and class times for each Department.
Our departments will require books, supplies, equipment, software and computers to teach these courses. Therefore, one of the primary functions of NAMS coordinators and Activists will be soliciting donations, contributions and sponsorships, while organising fundraising events that further engage the community.
Those NAMS Activists with knowledge and proficiency in grant writing will be tasked to pursue grants for each eligible Department of the NAMS Center. Crowdfunding and online donation drives will be held to further fund each individual department of the Center.
Central to the success of this institution is Community participation – especially among our youth. for this reason, NAMS Activists and Community supporters, those who live right there in the hood, must make weekly education and recruiting rounds in the Community to educate our People to the importance of Math & Science to New Afrikan Communities, and taking every opportunity to recruit participants to attend the Center.
Attendance in the NAMS Center is free to all participants in the Community. We will accept no money from the state, nor will the NAMS Center Initiative become reliant on, or beholden to them in any way.
Success for the New Afrikan Math &Science Center Initiative must be an affirmation of our community's self-reliance if it is to realize its aim.
As indigenous Community members become proficient in various Math & Science disciplines from the NAMS Center they will assume the formal role of Instructors Aide(s).
Once an Instructors Aide has mastered both their particular field of study and the ability to teach it, She or He can assume the role of NAMS Instructor in that Department themselves.
Each participant must complete the full Foundational Math & Science Department curriculum before moving into one or more of the other Departments.
Though it is the intent of the NAMS Center Initiative to have participants go through each Department of the Center, we do want to encourage specialization.
The primary function of the New Afrikan Math & Science Center Initiative is to equip the Community with the necessary knowledge and expertise to build and maintain its own Autonomous Infrastructure.
This means participants must be strengthened and fitted with specific responsibilities within the context of the Community’s infrastructural needs, as well as a willingness to maintain those responsibilities.
Once these skill sets are developed and organized, we can move to meet the Community’s needs in a comprehensive and systematic manner.
In the final analysis, it has been, and continues to be, advancements in Math & Science which contribute to the systems of oppression responsible for our Communities’ instability, and dialectically it will be through our mastery of Math & Science that this yoke is forever lifted.
Our committment to this course will ensure a new era of Freedom, Justice, Equality and Prosperity is ushered in for our New Afrikan communities, and for all humanity. Think on these things, they are cause for great meditation.
The New Afrikan Math & Science Centers Initiative is a division of the Autonomous Infrastructure Mission.